Virtual Sculpture Gallery:
Welcome to the Virtual Sculpture Gallery guestbook!
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I think that everything inside is very clear
But i wanted to find something
can't be found.The page is very interesting . I learn alot of it
Jackeline <>
Singapore - Saturday, February 10, 2001 at 19:07:34 (PST)
Excellent site!! Very cleanly designed!
Thomas Petaccia
Charlotte, NC USA - Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 08:09:15 (PST)
When I surf the net, I usually don't stop to sign guestbooks. But after I saw your site, I knew I had to stop and say hi, and compliment you on your work. Well done!! :)
Alan <>
Douglasville, Ga USA - Friday, November 24, 2000 at 06:55:24 (PST)
Hi, Nice Pages, If you have any free time please visit me. I have a guestbook and a free links section. Lots of free animated gif's too.
This is a great program Please paste this into your browser
Simon <guestbook@simonet>
UK - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 10:20:27 (PDT)
This particular piece "The Dying Gaul" is one of my favorites, it's a beautiful study of anatomy. However I find the painted version absolutely garrish! I just so used to seeing unpainted. I have a version of this on my desk at work. Art soothes the soul, I loved your sight. I hope many instructors, especially those who steer young minds will log on.I recieved my Masters in Ancient History from Columbia University in N.Y. I am a sculptor myself aswell.
Jen Robles <>
Trabuco Canyon, CA United States of America - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 09:55:29 (PDT)
This particular piece "The Dying Gaul" is one of my favorites, it's a beautiful study of anatomy. However I find the painted version absolutely garrish! I have a version of this on my desk at work. I recieved my Masters in Ancient History from Columbia University in N.Y. I am a sculptor myself aswell.
Jen Robles <>
Trabuco Canyon, CA United States of America - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 09:51:46 (PDT)
I teach Latin and English at Indian Hills High School in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Your Virtual Gallery has come to my attention at the perfect time for my visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with my Latin classes. I have mentioned to them several times that the Greeks painted their statues, but having some examples to show them makes for an experience rather than an exercise in imagination. Thank you for making this possible.
Now, what does it all mean? How does this chromatic interest reflect the societies which used it? As far as I can see, such painted figures are relegated to animal lawn ornaments in our society. It is not anything like Mme Tussaud's.
Thanks again,
Atticus Ford <>
Milford, PA USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 11:56:01 (PST)
I teach Latin and English at Indian Hills High School in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Your Virtual Gallery has come to my attention at the perfect time for my visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with my Latin classes. I have mentioned to them several times that the Greeks painted their statues, but having some examples to show them makes for an experience rather than an exercise in imagination. Thank you for making this possible.
Now, what does it all mean? How does this chromatic interest reflect the societies which used it? As far as I can see, such painted figures are relegated to animal lawn ornaments in our society. It is not anything like Mme Tussaud's.
Thanks again,
Atticus Ford <>
Milford, PA USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 11:53:45 (PST)
Just wanted to say what a great site you have....very useful - I'll be back.
Best wishes,
Miss Harris
Miss Harris <>
Boston, MA USA - Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 11:04:21 (PST)
Department of Classics
Brooklyn College CUNY
Donna Wilson <>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 13:59:54 (PST)
Gratias tibi ago.
Robert J. Jackson <>
Salt Lake City, ut US - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 11:22:13 (PST)
I loved the outtakes! Holly, Miami.
Holly Wissing <>
Oxford, Ohio, - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 08:11:42 (PDT)
St. John's University, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11439. I haven't looked at anything yet, but just the titles look promising!
Bernard Cassidy <>
West Babylon, NY USA - Tuesday, September 14, 1999 at 07:55:52 (PDT)
Almost as good as being there....
Genevieve Ostergard <>
Bellevue, WA USA - Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 00:51:05 (PDT)
Love the website! I team teach a Greek Art and poetry course at Sinclair Community College...we will add this to our resources. Thanks!
Sally A. Struthers <>
Dayton, OH USA - Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 08:44:28 (PDT)
Ok. I'm jealous. How come I never get to think of
incredible ideas like the Virtual Sculpture Gallery? I'm
awed by what you all have done. Well don
Daniel E. Meyers <>
Oxford, OH USA - Wednesday, July 21, 1999 at 13:19:45 (PDT)
it was fun looking around Erid. hope that you and Ben are
having fun
Shelly <>
- Tuesday, July 20, 1999 at 16:13:53 (PDT)
This is very worthwhile! I will link my Greek Art course to this page.
judith sebesta <>
vermillion, sd usa - Monday, July 19, 1999 at 07:05:38 (PDT)
Your sculpture site is fabulous. I will be showing it off
to my students, fellow teachers, and to anyone else I know.
I viewed it on an iMac with its internal 56K modem
connected at 45333 bps on Sunday morning, July 18, 1999.
The download time was fine. The movies took a minute or
two, but the thumbnails were very fast and the images
extremely clear.
Thanks for you
Robert M. McClure <>
Winter Park, FL USA - Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 08:13:00 (PDT)
test post
Eric Case
- Friday, July 16, 1999 at 16:14:05 (PDT)
This page was last updated on 7/15/99 by Eric Case.

Copyright 1999 by Eric Case and Judith de Luce. All rights reserved.