Virtual Sculpture Gallery:









    This bibliography includes only a small selection of sources which I have found useful in studying and teaching Greek and Roman Art. Students in ART 382 (Greek and Roman Sculpture) will expand this bibliography during the fall semester, 1999.

    Greek Sculpture:

      Ashmole, Bernard. 1972. Architect and Sculptor in Classical Greece. New York: New York University Press

        1967. Olympia: the Sculptures of the Temple of Zeus. London: Phaidon

      Bieber, Margarete. 1961. The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age. New York, Columbia University Press

      Blumel, Carl. 1955. Greek Sculptors at Work. London, Phaidon Press

      Boardman, John.1978. Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period: a Handbook New York: Oxford University Press

        1985. Greek Sculpture: the Classical Period: a Greek Sculpture: an Exploration. New York, N.Y.: Thames and Hudson

        1995. Greek Sculpture: the Late Classical Period and Sculpture in Colonies and Overseas. New York, N.Y.: Thames and Hudson

      Payne, Humfry. 1951. Archaic marble sculpture from the Acropolis. New York, W. Morrow

      Richter, Gisela. 1970. The Sculpture and Sculptors of the Greeks. New Haven, Yale University Press.

        1968. Korai: Archaic Greek Maidens; a Study of the Development of the Kore type in Greek Sculpture. London, Phaidon

        1960. Kouroi, Archaic Greek Youths; a Study of the Development of the Kouros Type in Greek Sculpture. London, Phaidon Press

        1951. Three Critical Periods in Greek Sculpture. Oxford, Clarendon Press

      Ridgway, Brunilde. 1981. Fifth Century Styles in Greek Sculpture. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press

        1976. The Archaic Style in Greek Sculpture. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press

        1970. The severe style in Greek sculpture. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press

      Stewart, Andrew F. 1990. Greek Sculpture: an Exploration. New Haven : Yale University Press

      Woodford, Susan. 1986. An Introduction to Greek Art. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press

      Casson, Stanley. 1970. The Technique of Early Greek Sculpture. New York, Hacker Art Books

    Etruscan and Roman Sculpture:

      Cristofani, Mauro. 1979. The Etruscans : a new investigation. Translated from the Italian by Brian Phillips. London : Orbis Pub.

      Larissa Bonfante, ed. 1986. Etruscan Life and Afterlife : a Handbook of Etruscan Studies. Detroit : Wayne State University Press.

      Goldscheider, Ludwig. 1941. Etruscan Sculpture. New York, Oxford University Press

      Hamberg, Per Gustaf. 1968. Studies in Roman Imperial Art, with Special Reference to the State Reliefs of the Second Century. Roma, "L'Erma" di Bretschneider.

      Kleiner, Diana E. E. 1992. Roman Sculpture. New Haven : Yale University Press

      Richardson, Emeline Hill. The Etruscans, their Art and Civilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.

      Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo. 1984. Roman Copies of Greek Sculpture: the Problem of the Originals. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press

      Sebesta, Judith Lynn and Larissa Bonfante, eds. 1994. The World of Roman Costume. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press

      Sprenger, Maja and Gilda Bartoloni.1983. The Etruscans: their History, Art, and Architecture. Translated from the German and Italian by Robert Erich Wolf. H.N. Abrams

      Torelli, Mario. 1982. Typology and Structure of Roman Historical Reliefs. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.

      Vermeule, Cornelius. 1980. Iconographic Studies. Boston : Department of Classical Art, Museum of Fine Arts, 1980.

    Selected bibliography for information about color and sculpture:

      Andre, J. 1949. Etudes sur les Termes du coleur can la langue latine, Paris

      Lermann, Wilhelm. 1907. Altgriechische Plastik; eine Einführung in die grieschische Kunst des archaischen und Gebundenen Stils. München, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, O. Beck

      Pliny the Elder. Natural History, See, for example, books 33-36

      Taplin, Oliver. 1989. Greek Fire. London : Cape

      Vitruvius, De Architectura See especially book 7.5 wall-painting, book 7.7 natural colors.

    Related bibliography:

    Fehl, Philipp P. 1971. The Classical Monument; Reflections on the Connection between Morality and Art in Greek and Roman Sculpture. New York, Published by New York University Press for the College Art Association of America

    Potts, Alex. 1994. Flesh and the Ideal: Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History New Haven : Yale University Press.

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